First, a Twitter chat is a public conversation via Twitter, centered around one central hashtag. Twitter chats are regular and reoccurring (sometimes every week, sometimes bi-monthly, sometimes once a month) and are usually themed to connect people with similar interests.
Twitter chats are moderated by one or more individuals. The moderators come up with a list of predetermined questions that are asked within the Twitter chat time frame; most chats are an hour long, others are 30 minutes. The moderators "ask" the questions and facilitate a conversation with other Twitter users around these questions. Twitter users will answer the question, using the specified hashtag so that other users can follow, respond, and retweet.
Angela's initial advice to me when starting Twitter chats - stalk and then stalk some more. I started by watching and following a few chats I was interested in. I "liked" a few tweets that resonated with me. It wasn't until a few chats later (and once I really understood the flow of a Twitter chat) that I felt brave enough to try it out.
And I didn't completely fail or embarrass myself! I connected with some great individuals, had a conversation about a topic that I was passionate about, and slowly began the groundwork to building my online PLN (personal learning network) - something I didn't even know existed prior to my Twitter usage.
Now - a word of caution. There are Twitter chats...and there are chats that remind me of why I hated middle school so much. Chats where the "regulars" are wondering who you are and why you're there...the kind where your responses get the cold-shoulder and make you want to crawl into a corner and shrivel up into a ball. I don't have any recommendations for these types of situations...but I will say that the chats I enjoy the most are the ones where I feel welcomed, my opinion is valued, and the other "chatters" genuinely want to know me.
Some of my favorite chats include the following:
- #newteacherjourney (Sunday nights @ 8:30 CST/6:30 PST)
- #caedchat (Sunday nights @ 8pm PST)
- #flipclass (Monday nights @ 5pm PST)
- #tosachat (Monday nights @ 8pm PST)
- #cuechat (Tuesday nights @ 7pm PST)
- #cuelachat (Every third Tuesday @ 8pm PST)
- #ditchbook (Thursday nights @ 7pm PST)
My advice to anyone wanting to grow their PLN or just connect with people outside of their school bubble...join a Twitter chat. Stalk and participate. You'll be a better educator because of it. Oh...and stay tuned for #TechTribeEDU's chat - coming soon!
Twitter chats are awesome! Great suggestion to dip your toes in the water by stalking and liking first.
ReplyDeleteYes, they are! It definitely doesn't hurt to stalk at first - especially if you are like me and want to get a feel for that particular chat. :)
ReplyDeleteYes, they are! It definitely doesn't hurt to stalk at first - especially if you are like me and want to get a feel for that particular chat. :)