Hello! I'm Kristin Oropeza.
I am a newly minted Technology TOSA (former full-time Special Education teacher), wife, mom (to two kids!), and a millennial digital native. I have grown up using computers since the ripe age of two. I first learned HTML coding through Myspace and have grown into a tech-using teacher who tries to inspire her students through every day applications of technology and "real-life computing."
I didn't start my college career with education in mind - I am a once aspiring journalist and writer. I think that's what first drew me to blogging and recording my ideas digitally through my own personal blog.
I have also served on several leadership committees for my former district - I was one of two Technology Integration Program teachers at our school site; I also worked as one of our NGSS Science Lead Teachers, and was on our school's school site leadership team. This past year I also ventured into the realm of political activism through my participation in our union's Teacher Leader program this year.
I didn't start my college career with education in mind - I am a once aspiring journalist and writer. I think that's what first drew me to blogging and recording my ideas digitally through my own personal blog.
I have also served on several leadership committees for my former district - I was one of two Technology Integration Program teachers at our school site; I also worked as one of our NGSS Science Lead Teachers, and was on our school's school site leadership team. This past year I also ventured into the realm of political activism through my participation in our union's Teacher Leader program this year.
Teaching is my life and like most other things, my technology skills are self-taught.
I've worked in education now for over 10 years and haven't looked back since making the switch from journalism. I have worked for several different school districts (Bellflower Unified School District, Whittier City School District, ABC Unified School District) and most recently at Little Lake City School District. I've held technology chair/facilitator positions at every district that I have worked for and I love the applications and implications that technology has for unique learners in every setting - special education and otherwise! I've learned graphic design, coding, and blogging all for my learners and to help other teachers I work with grow.
I am so excited to start this journey with Angela and look forward to teaching, learning, and connecting with other tech-using teachers!
I am so excited to start this journey with Angela and look forward to teaching, learning, and connecting with other tech-using teachers!
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